Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Spicey Salmon with Maple Syrup and Hemp Hearts

I watch Food Network to get ideas how to revise their recipes to achieve better nutrition information, less of polyunsaturated fats and less sugar. This particular recipe called for sugar, but sugar is not a preferred condiment. It adds calories without value. Since there are sweeteners that have vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, maple syrup or honey for example, it is better to substitute these when sweetness should make a difference in the outcome of a dish.
I believe sugar would not be as bad if it were unrefined. Vitamins and minerals that help in metabolizing sugar would be present. The recipe from The Kitchen called for brown sugar, pepper and salt for a salmon rub.

To find out what a sweet seasoning would do to a fish, I used maple syrup together with hemp hearts.
To my surprise, maple syrup with salmon, although hard to imagine,  works unexpectedly well.
Carrots of different colors and onions complemented the salmon. The dish was sweet and spicy, a perfect combination. Salmon and carrots were cooked in coconut oil.  This oil has medium chain fatty acids that are not deposited as fat and are quickly metabolized and used for energy.
Experiment with food and travel the adventurous road to wellness, you will like it. With this dish, you are getting a double dose of omega 3 and a good amount of vitamin A.

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