Wednesday, 22 April 2015


These are three parts of the anatomy  that always need a lot of attention and deserve the highest quality organic food with good fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates. Heart, bones and brain can be boosted through exercise and appropriate food or even supplements to function optimally.

The heart loves a walk around the block several times a day to reduce stress, blood pressure and to dissolve anger.  Anger can strangle the heart. Turn angry thoughts into neutral or loving ones before Mondays. Most heart attacks happen on Mondays. Green drinks are good to deflate stress and to keep the heart healthy.

Bones need to get stressed and lifting weights does it. A twenty-five pound kettle bell or any weight that can be comfortably handled will be just fine..

Recently and surprisingly a healthy food for bones mentioned was prunes, Four prunes a day taken regularly can stop the demolition process and promote rebuilding through phenols, which stop erosion to cells. Prunes also contain vitamin K, important for plugging calcium into the bone.

It is recommended to eat breakfast for brain health. The brain is metabolically active through the night and needs food to replenish the loss. Appropriate foods for the brain are walnuts, sardines, anchovies, herring and Atlantic mackerel from Canada. The latter is lowest in mercury and has the best eco-rating. To keep the brain in working order throughout the day give it sustaining foods not quick sweet fixes. Nuts, seeds, fruit and yogurt are bolster foods and preferred as snacks. Learning new things, dancing, reading and, above all, good friends to communicate with will keep the brain remembering and reliable.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged anger bad for healthart, brain food, green drinks for the heart, herring, osteoporosis, walnuts sardines, weight-lifting for bones on November 29, 2014.
After the holidays there is a rush on dieting. People are desperate to shed added pounds in a hurry. Unfortunately, this is done at the expense of good nutrition and necessary calories.

The first thing dieters resort to is skipping meals and the first meal to go is breakfast, the most important meal of the day! Breakfast means breaking the fast maintained through the night. During the night the body uses up nutrients to keep alive. The heart keeps on beating, kidneys keep their function and so does every organ due to a good dinner.  As a result of a busy night shift, the body is depleted in the morning.

Crash dieting with food deprivation is detrimental to health and only leads to gaining lost weight back quickly.

Not only is the body starved, the brain even more so. The brain metabolically active at night as well needs a cocktail of glucose, oxygen and well-circulating blood. A nutritionally dense breakfast with all three micronutrients and cofactors like vitamins and minerals is important to replenish what is used up.  A run around the block or a trip to the gym helps to fulfill requirements.

It’s easy to forget that the brain is part of the body and not some cerebral network balanced on top requiring no earthly nourishment. The first bite of the day eaten is literally “sucked up” by the brain. One must make certain that there is enough food to go around. Neither brain nor body should be left behind.

Crash diets are damaging to the brain. If we don’t continuously supply nourishment, there will inevitably be deterioration. This may not be permanent, but you may forget where you left your keys, names or phone numbers. A healthy diet, exercise to supply oxygen and circulation  into the brain, is really all we can do now to prevent problems later. We don’t want to be taken care of, we want to be independent in our later years..

Stress from many areas hits us daily.  The nervous system is the unfortunate recipient because stress can lead to problems like depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior, adrenal fatigue and memory loss. In order to fight stress we first have to look at high quality food eaten regularly and, again, exercise. Besides those two important generators of good health, calming modalities like meditation or mindfulness training should become part of a daily routine. A few  moments of quiet can be fitted in just like brushing teeth.

When young, we never think about old age. It will come, as sure as the seasons. It would be great at that time to sport a sharp mind, limber body and due that be in the position to enjoy what we worked for all our lives. We just have to plan ahead now.

If you have to lose holiday weight do it sensibly by eating enough real, high quality food, unrefined and organic, so your brain never falls short. Good nutritional advice fitted to your individual needs that is easily incorporated into your daily routine might be a good idea if you get stuck.

Remember, holiday eating continues throughout the year. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner then Memorial Day and so on, you get the idea. Always eat wisely.

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