Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Fitness and Diet Tips for Today’s Women

For a woman, there is no greater high than a fit body and mind. And to lead a healthier lifestyle, it is important that you work towards it, without obsessing over it.

Here are some top fitness and diet tips for a healthy you :


  • Train at least 3-4 times a week. The sessions should last for about 45 minutes to one hour. Remember, never to skip warm-ups and stretching before starting a workout and cool-down moves post workout.
  • Stay hydrated. Water is critical to replenish the lost fluids when you are working out. Instead of picking up an energy drink, stick by old plain water and you will do just fine.
  • Wear a heart rate monitor. It is the best way to track minutest details while working out. This will help you bail out at any sign of trouble.
  • Wear a firm sports bra/dry fit and your workout gear should comprise of breathable fabric. This will help you sail through your workouts better.
  • Always carry a hand sanitiser, towel and a deodorant in your gym bag. After all hygiene is a must!
  • Pay attention to your form, breathing and alignment. Don't push yourself so hard that you overlook the form and breathing. Do less but do it right!
  • Make strength training a part of your fitness routine. You will be able to build good quality muscles with the help of strength training. And there will be less chance of injury.
  • Go for a full body check-up once every 8 months.
  • Don't make your workouts a chore. Do what you love to do. Be it a dance-based workout, hard-core gymming or Pilates.


  • Eat well balanced meals. Do not cut out any food groups. Eat your complex carbs, protein, fibre and essential fats.
  • Kickstart your day with a big healthy breakfast. Eat clean and organic and try to stay away from processed meats and foods as much as possible.
  • Eat your greens. And if you don't like them, blend them into a green shake and drink it.
  • Eat a fruit instead of dessert. Every time you crave for a dessert, pick up your favourite fruits and toss them up into an interesting salad!
  • Eat small portions frequently so you don't feel hungry and hence don't binge.
  • Don't obsess about food. The key is to eat simple. Don't follow diets that you cannot pursue lifelong.
  • Steer clear of aerated water, energy drinks and artificial sugar.

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